Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!
Fremde, etranger, stranger
Gluklich zu sehen, je suis enchante,
Happy to see you, bleibe, reste, stay
My name is Stephanie, and welcome to my new travel blog! This is the place to look for updates regarding my trips, bookings, events, and any of the struggles along the way.
I'll be kicking off this travel blog with info about my upcoming trip to Britain (England, Scotland, and hopefully Wales - no Ireland this time around). I've never been before, and it's been a dream of mine to visit for as long as I have been asking myself "where do you want to visit more than anywhere in the world?".
After Britain I'll be visiting the big island of Hawaii for four days for my favorite convention - HawaiiCon. That'll be an awesome and short trip, but I'll likely be posting about that event on the Ace of Geeks website at www.aceofgeeks.net
Then I'll be laying low for a while until January, wherein my 2016 New Years Resolution will be to travel somewhere new at least once a month. I've got a trip to Portland in the works, but we'll have to see where I go from there!
Then I'll be laying low for a while until January, wherein my 2016 New Years Resolution will be to travel somewhere new at least once a month. I've got a trip to Portland in the works, but we'll have to see where I go from there!
I hope that my blog will turn into an entertaining way for my friends and family to keep up to date with my whereabouts, but I'm also looking forward to being able to reflect on my travels in the future. Most of the short weekend trips across the US will be solo trips, and as someone who is introverted and has social anxiety I'm going to have to learn how to communicate more effectively if I want to make the most of these experiences!
Thanks for tuning in, and see you around!
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